Anand Software and Training Приложения

CCNA-ICND2 200-101 Exam Sim 1.2
Anand Software and Training
CCNA-ICND2 200-101 exam simulator provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNA-ICND2 certification exam 200-101 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 250+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA-ICND2 is a trademark of Cisco dulyacknowledged.
CCDA Exam Simulator 1.2
Anand Software and Training
CCDA 640-864 exam simulator provides practicequestions from latest syllabus of CCDA certification exam 640-864offered by Cisco.Question types supported are1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answer3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learnmode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode.Options to save the results and reviewing questions areprovided.Desktop version of the app is available with 200+ questionsat is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCDA is a trademark of Cisco dulyacknowledged.
Sim Exams for ITIL® Fn - Full 1.1
ITIL® Foundation exam simulator provides 250+practice questions from latest syllabus of ITIL® Foundationcertification examQuestion types supported are1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answerComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learnmode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode.Options to save the results and reviewing questions areprovided.Desktop version of the app is available with 250+ questionsat ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.All rights reserved. The practice tests/mock tests are neitherendorsed nor approved by Axelos Limted or any other company.
ITIL Foundation Exam Simulator 1.1
Anand Software and Training
ITIL Foundation exam simulator provides 60practice questions from latest syllabus of ITIL Foundationcertification examQuestion types supported are1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answerComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learnmode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode.Options to save the results and reviewing questions areprovided.Desktop version of the app is available with 250+ questionsat
A+ Practical Exam Simulator 1.7
Anand Software and Training
A+ Practical Exam simulator provides practicequestions for A+ Practical certification 220-902 offered byCompTIA.Main Features;1. Question Types : Multiple choice single answer, Multiple choicemultiple answer.2. Learn mode : Lets you view all questions with correct answersand explanation for each question.3. Exam mode : Simulates actual exam environment.4. Saving Results : Allows to save results of practice exam andview correct and incorrect questions with explanation.Visit our website for desktop version of the exam simulator with325+ questions at is not associated with CompTIAorganisation and A+ Practical Application is a trademark of CompTIAduly acknowledged.
Server+ Exam Simulator 1.3
Anand Software and Training
Server+ Exam Simulator consist of questionsfrom latest syllabus for Server+ Sk0-003 certification exam offeredby CompTIA.Question types supported are:1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answer.3. Drag and Drop type questions.Questions can be viewed in following modes:1. learn mode can be used for learning as candidate can viewanswers to each question along with detailed explanation.2. Exam mode : Simulates exam environment with time limit andscore calculation at end of the exam.3. Review mode: Results can be saved at end of the exam andquestions can be reviewed.Visit our website for desktop version of the exam simulator with275+ questions at is not associated with CompTIAorganisation and Server+ is a trademark of CompTIA dulyacknowledged.
Server+ Exam Simulator - Full 1.2
Server+ Exam Simulator consist of 275+questions from latest syllabus for Server+ Sk0-003 certificationexam offered by CompTIA.Question types supported are:1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answer.3. Drag and Drop type questions.4. Exhibit type questionsQuestions can be viewed in following modes:1. learn mode can be used for learning as candidate can viewanswers to each question along with detailed explanation.2. Exam mode : Simulates exam environment with time limit andscore calculation at end of the exam.3. Review mode: Results can be saved at end of the exam andquestions can be reviewed.Visit our website for desktop version of the exam simulator with275+ questions at is not associated with CompTIAorganisation and Server+ is a trademark of CompTIA dulyacknowledged.
A+ Practical Exam Sim - Full 1.1
A+ Practical Exam simulator provides 300+practice questions for A+ Practical certification 220-802 offeredby CompTIA.Main Features;1. Question Types : Multiple choice single answer, Multiple choicemultiple answer.2. Learn mode : Lets you view all questions with correct answersand explanation for each question.3. Exam mode : Simulates actual exam environment.4. Saving Results : Allows to save results of practice exam andview correct and incorrect questions with explanation.Visit our website for desktop version of the exam simulator with300+ questions at is not associated with CompTIAorganisation and A+ Practical Application is a trademark of CompTIAduly acknowledged.
CCNP Switch Practice Test Full 1.2
CCNP Switch 642-813 Practice Test provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNP certification exam offered by Cisco.Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice single answer 2.Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 225+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNP is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
PMP Exam Simulator - Full 1.2
PMP exam simulator provides 250+ practicequestions from latest syllabus of PMP certification examQuestion types supported are1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answerComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learnmode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode.Options to save the results and reviewing questions areprovided.Desktop version of the app is available with 250+ questionsat is not associated with ProjectManagement Institute and PMP is a trademark of Project ManagementInstitute duly acknowledged.
Aplus Practical Exam Sim -Lite 1.0
A+ Practical Exam simulator-Liteprovidespractice questions for A+ Practical certification 220-802offeredby CompTIA.Main Features;1. Question Types : Multiple choice single answer, Multiplechoicemultiple answer.2. Learn mode : Lets you view all questions with correct answersandexplanation for each question.3. Exam mode : Simulates actual exam environment.4. Saving Results : Allows to save results of practice exam andviewcorrect and incorrect questions with explanation.Visit our website for desktop version of the exam simulatorwith300+ questions at is not associated withCompTIAorganisation and A+ Practical Application is a trademark ofCompTIAduly acknowledged.
CCNP Switch 300-115 Exsim-Free 1.7
Anand Software and Training
CCNP Switch 300-115 exam simulator provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNP certification exam offered by Cisco.Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice single answer 2.Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 225+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNP is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
ICND2 200-105 Exam Sim-Free 1.7
Anand Software and Training
CCNA-ICND2 200-105 exam simulator provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNA-ICND2 certification exam 200-105 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 275+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA-ICND2 is a trademark of Cisco dulyacknowledged.
ICND2 200-105 Practice Test 1.8
CCNA-ICND2 200-105 Practice Tests provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNA-ICND2 certification exam 200-105 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 275+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA-ICND2 is a trademark of Cisco dulyacknowledged.
A+ Essentials Exam Sim - Full 1.1
A+ Essentials exam simulator provides400+practice questions from latest syllabus of A+ certificationexam220-801 offered by CompTIA.Question types supported are1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answer3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learnmode,and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode.Options tosave the results and reviewing questions areprovided.Desktop version of the app is available with 400+questionsat is not associated withCompTIAorganisation and A+ Essentials is a trademark of CompTIAdulyacknowledged.
A+ Practical 220-902 Exam Sim 2.1
A+ Practical 220-902 Exam simulator provides 325+ practicequestions for A+ Practical certification 220-902 offered byCompTIA. Main Features; 1. Question Types : Multiple choice singleanswer, Multiple choice multiple answer. 2. Learn mode : Lets youview all questions with correct answers and explanation for eachquestion. 3. Exam mode : Simulates actual exam environment. 4.Saving Results : Allows to save results of practice exam and viewcorrect and incorrect questions with explanation. Visit our websitefor desktop version of the exam simulator with 325+ questions at is not associated with CompTIAorganisation and A+ Practical Application is a trademark of CompTIAduly acknowledged.
CCENT 100-105 Exam Simulator 1.8
Anand Software and Training
CCENT 100-105 exam simulator provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCENT certification exam 100-105 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Text Drag and drop 4.Image drag and drop 5. Exhibit type questions Complete explanationis provided for each question in Learn mode, and actual examenvironment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save the resultsand reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version of the app isavailable with 250+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCENT is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCENT 100-105 Practice Tests 2.0
CCENT 100-105 Practice Tests provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCENT certification exam 100-105 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Text Drag and drop 4.Image Drag and drop 5. Exhibit type Complete explanation isprovided for each question in Learn mode, and actual examenvironment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save the resultsand reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version of the app isavailable with 250+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCENT is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
A+ Essentials 220-901 Exam Sim 2.4
A+ Essentials 220-901 exam simulator provides 350+ practicequestions from latest syllabus of A+ certification exam 220-901offered by CompTIA. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choicesingle answer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Text Drag anddrop 4. Image Drag and drop Complete explanation is provided foreach question in Learn mode, and actual exam environment issimulated in Exam mode. Options to save the results and reviewingquestions are provided. Desktop version of the app is availablewith 350+ questions at is not associated with CompTIAorganisation and A+ Essentials is a trademark of CompTIA dulyacknowledged.
CCNA 200-125 Exam Sim-Free 1.8
Anand Software and Training
CCNA 200-125 exam simulator provides practice questions from latestsyllabus of CCNA certification exam 200-125 offered by Cisco.Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice single answer 2.Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 575+ questions at is not associated with Cisco organisation andCCNA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCDA Practice Tests - Full 1.2
CCDA 640-864 practice test providespracticequestions from latest syllabus of CCDA certification exam640-864offered by Cisco.Question types supported are1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answer3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learnmode,and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode.Options tosave the results and reviewing questions areprovided.Desktop version of the app is available with 200+questionsat is not associated withCiscoorganisation and CCDA is a trademark of Ciscodulyacknowledged.
CCNA Security Exam Sim 1.2
Anand Software and Training
CCNA Security 640-554 exam simulator provides practice questionsfrom latest syllabus of CCNA Security certification exam 640-554offered by Cisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choicesingle answer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode,and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options tosave the results and reviewing questions are provided. Desktopversion of the app is available with 200+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNA Security 210-260 Exam Sim 1.7
Anand Software and Training
CCNA Security 210-260 exam simulator provides practice questionsfrom latest syllabus of CCNA Security certification exam 210-260offered by Cisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choicesingle answer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode,and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options tosave the results and reviewing questions are provided. Desktopversion of the app is available with 200+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNA Security Practice Test 1.2
CCNA Security 640-554 practice test provides practice questionsfrom latest syllabus of CCNA Security certification exam 640-554offered by Cisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choicesingle answer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode,and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options tosave the results and reviewing questions are provided. Desktopversion of the app is available with 200+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNA 200-125 PracticeTest-Full 1.9
CCNA 200-125 Practice Test provides 475+ practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNA certification exam 200-125 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 600+ questions at is not associated with Cisco organisation andCCNA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNA 200-120 PracticeTest Full 1.4
CCNA 200-120 Practice Test provides 325+ practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNA certification exam 200-120 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 425+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNP Route Practice Tests Full 1.2
CCNP Route 642-902 Practice Test provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNP certification exam 640-902 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 225+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNP is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNP Route 300-101 ExSim-Free 1.7
Anand Software and Training
CCNP Route 300-101 exam simulator provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNP certification exam 300-101 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 200+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNP is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCDA 200-310 Exam Simulator 1.8
Anand Software and Training
CCDA 200-310 exam simulator provides practice questions from latestsyllabus of CCDA certification exam 200-310 offered by Cisco.Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice single answer 2.Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Text Drag and drop 4. Image Dragand Drop 5. Exhibit type Complete explanation is provided for eachquestion in Learn mode, and actual exam environment is simulated inExam mode. Options to save the results and reviewing questions areprovided. Desktop version of the app is available with 200+questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCDA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNP Route 300-101 Exam Sim 1.7
CCNP Route 300-101 Practice Test provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNP certification exam 300-101 offered byCisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice singleanswer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 200+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNP is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNP Switch 300-115 Exam Sim 1.7
CCNP Switch 300-115 Practice Test provides practice questions fromlatest syllabus of CCNP certification exam offered by Cisco.Question types supported are 1. Multiple choice single answer 2.Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and drop Completeexplanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actualexam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save theresults and reviewing questions are provided. Desktop version ofthe app is available with 200+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNP is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
CCNA Sec 210-260 Practice Test 1.8
CCNA Security 210-260 practice test provides practice questionsfrom latest syllabus of CCNA Security certification exam 210-260offered by Cisco. Question types supported are 1. Multiple choicesingle answer 2. Multiple choice multiple answer 3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode,and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options tosave the results and reviewing questions are provided. Desktopversion of the app is available with 200+ questions at is not associated with Ciscoorganisation and CCNA is a trademark of Cisco duly acknowledged.
APlus Essentials Exam Sim-Lite 1.0
APlus Essentials exam simulatorprovidespractice questions from latest syllabus of A+ certificationexam220-801 offered by CompTIA.Question types supported are1. Multiple choice single answer2. Multiple choice multiple answer3. Drag and dropComplete explanation is provided for each question in Learnmode,and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Optionstosave the results and reviewing questions are provided.Desktop version of the app is available with 400+ questionsat is not associated withCompTIAorganisation and A+ Essentials is a trademark of CompTIAdulyacknowledged.
CCNA ICND2 (200-105) Practice Exams 1.1
Anand Software and Training
This application is a practice exam simulator which provides250+questions for learning, practice and test your preparationforInterconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (200-105ICND2)exam. Exam Simulator covers all objectives included insyllabus of200-105 (ICND2) certification exam like LAN SwitchingTechnologies,Routing Technologies, WAN Technologies, InfrastructureServices andInfrastructure Maintenance. Application Include variousquestiontypes like multiple choice, exhibit based and performancebased. Weprovide flash card with each question which helps you tounderstandthe topic for that question properly. Review featureafter takingsimulated exam allows you to understand the incorrectanswers andexplanation for the question.
CCNA (200-125) Practice Exams 1.1
Anand Software and Training
This application is a practice test simulator which provides500+questions for learning, practice and test your preparation forCCNA(Cisco Certified Network Associate). Exam Simulator coversallobjectives included in syllabus of 200-125 (CCNA)certificationexam like Network Fundamentals, LAN SwitchingTechnologies, RoutingTechnologies, WAN Technologies, InfrastructureServices,Infrastructure Security and Infrastructure Management.ApplicationInclude various question types like multiple choice,exhibit basedand performance based (text drag and drop and imagedrag and drop).We provide flash card with each question which helpsyou tounderstand the topic for that question properly. Reviewfeatureafter taking simulated exam allows you to understand theincorrectanswers and explanation for the question.